
A step-by-step guide to help you quickly set up and start using Kottster.

Getting started

1. Sign up at Kottster

2. Create a new app.

3. Complete the initial setup:

3.1. Create a new project using the CLI:

npx @kottster/cli new my-app -id <appId> -sk <secretKey>

3.2. Inside your project, run the app locally:

npm run dev

3.3. Connect the app to your database:

# PostgreSQL
npm run dev:add-data-source postgres

npm run dev:add-data-source mysql

# MariaDB
npm run dev:add-data-source mariadb

# Microsoft SQL Server
npm run dev:add-data-source mssql

After running the command, the new file will be created inside src/server/data-sources/ folder. Edit the file to configure the connection to your database, and restart the server.

4. Start building your app:

  • Use our builder to generate pages and features instantly.

  • Or, create and customize them on your own.

5. Deploy your app to production when it's ready.

Last updated