Table.RecordModal component

<Table.RecordModal /> is a component for displaying an insert or update form for a database table. It works directly with the createTableRpc settings and must always be used within a Table component.

    // Should always be inside Table component
    <Table.RecordModal />


The fields prop allows you to specify the form fields displayed in the insert and update forms.

By default, form fields are automatically generated based on your database schema and createTableRpc settings. However, we recommend explicitly defining the fields prop to exclude unnecessary fields and simplify future maintenance.

Here’s an example of the Table.RecordModal component with defined fields:

            { label: 'First name', column: 'first_name', type: 'input' },
            { label: 'Last name', column: 'last_name', type: 'input' },
            { label: 'Email', column: 'email', type: 'input' },
            { label: 'Birth date', column: 'birth_date', type: 'datePicker' },

Each field is an object with the following properties:

  • column (string): The name of the column in the table.

  • label (string, optional): The label displayed to users for this field. Defaults to the column name if not provided.

  • formField (string, optional): Specifies the type of form field to use for this column

  • required (boolean, optional): If true, this field must be filled out in form.

  • span (number, optional): Defines the layout span for this field in a 12-column grid system. Defaults to 12 if not specified.

Basic field types

The type property defines the field type and supports additional properties depending on the type.

Below is a list of supported formFields types and their interfaces:


A single-line text input.

    type: 'input'


A number-only input field.

    type: 'numberInput',
    /** Determines whether decimal values are allowed, true by default */
    allowDecimal?: boolean;


A multi-line text input.

    type: 'textarea',


A searchable dropdown menu.

    type: 'select',
    /** List of selectable options */
    options: { 
        /** Display label for the option */
        label: string; 
        /** Value associated with the option */
        value: string; 


A checkbox for boolean input.

    type: 'checkbox'


An inline date (datetime) picker.

    type: 'datePicker',
    /** Adds time picker */
    withTime: boolean,
    /** Adds seconds input to time picker */
    timeWithSeconds: boolean


An inline time picker.

    type: 'timePicker',
    /** Adds seconds input */
    withSeconds: boolean;


Select records from another table.

Requires a one-to-one relationship to be configured (see one-to-one linked).

    type: 'recordSelect',
    /** Linked settings in createTableRpc are automatically applied, 
        no need to specify tables and columns here */

Custom field

Use a custom React component for input.

    type: 'custom',
    /** Function to render a custom React component */
    renderComponent: (value: any, onChange: (value: any) => void) => void;
    type: 'custom',
    renderComponent: (value, onChange) => (
        <MyCustomInput value={value} onChange={onChange} />

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